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v\" 'zc'12THE HOB N 129 G- TJMES, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 35,. I8U0.BOOKS ANDJiR MAKERSAdvance Guard of Win'.erReading Is Here.NEW AND OLD FRIENDSOscar Wilde's \"Salome\" asIllustrated by Beardsley.Some Eeadable Novels.not merely .tstht book of the Week,or or the iLt,i.tii, nil or jour u waswritten liy lioreuce ! Jlellcii, luit tin;K ruing, though eitiull'eln siinilitily ami\"imi-jaiitf of lliu aulliur'H ideas, is scc-ou-darylu her original coiitvitioas and ..d-luir.-lilefacility or mns.111,; clear ami plainMll.ll She VI-, Mil lo i lJrt4ll On the. murage she denotes it as -.i rrw siiFgeslioiiHUi those who oo .aid listen,\" .mil si.emight liate added, \"hut st e and hear not \"Her title .it first suggests tlio coigre-K-iut.ilol illllilldu.lls who look Ultm .1lilaj or IinIcii to un opera or a lecturer..As she explains, nn audit nee is tliu cotnjiliiU'iit or anj expression or art. Notmlt does a ilay, a musical work, or alivvure presuppose an audience, but itis tliu reason ami ne-cvssity as well or aMaine. . i tieation of arcliltet ture, a painting or a c-ein. An nudicnei' is not uc-ct-s-b.,nl)a congregation of lookers and listeners, lut all or any one w ho sets himselflo enjoj an expression or art.Intelligent appreciation is a rare Jewel.IVimjun imagine lliey ina not understandbecause lliey hate not tlie art knowledgeor llic creator or a work cr art. Appreciation ami discrimination, nhlin arc Hietwin fundamentals of criticism, tlo notileiienu upun a lapailly Tor Uie work iriticired iu work more cliarly Uian HisslltWcn'-s mil point out how to appreciateami tlit riiniu lie tlie work1- or Hie masters,though Ihelr girts be denied It tti'.llitlpit-mnti the pr t.iii ik sa .m which it otT..-snan like sheep and reduces apprci latum10 ii.i i rut tl.itier ' We applaud becauseour i eighbor applauds,-' says lllss Holden.'e.irt Mleiilbc-cniisi-ouriirisliborlssili nt;we praise iitiau'e mayhap our neighboriiraise-s. i r I lau e because lie hlaun-s Oritciluips we are aiuljititiiiN, w-- would had,tie woul 1 set the fashion w would makeHit rcput ttion of 11 isor that artist, so weapplaud s, that our z eighlior may hear andnpplaud l\"tause we du.\"It is nt east to concent tiiat anyonecin pin .1'idi .li thelites\" tMtl.ouili.mnu;become i ore tle.ulj and rirmly cognizantiiT Un truths ami leailiosiii ai-rUttiliire,t-ctilpltuc, painting, music, drama andliiirauire. it liicli apj eal rrr dlserlmination and appnuaticiit, and, NpijLviitlally,fur r.m.'iiil pleasure In'i; it II eJiU-Nsrs. lici lure laic added pi reciillyii- Il'i iiri.l i d iiecetsjrt list or L oks-.r.Iiss II. J. lea's cxpLiniiioits or tie realinaiiiuror iiittlliKintenJoym\" utarerevilaliu (s It si ,.uM nave for isir liie larj,eNtp isit,i t,r .iitdieni.esI iu i i- mi! (i ecrniri-nior Missllolden'hlin' k It is late in coming There liasala t - iiteil a need Tor jtst sLch an in-'Mlim anil esplanatkn ori i re.tMUi an(l metli d or appreciation1nn it is ikuk in lianil and tlie impress ol'lis n nt, r on tlie mind, .1 icnt ointstl it Us tofctjilioii aid appearance shouldbatchen soIiiird(layed No Look tvhicli.lias 1 nit til put he ailctitinii in jears Iuintl 1 same imperative call upon Imnieiliaticoiisitlir.UM 11, for it if tin' key to the'iih.wufiil of all oil er expre-flons or arta Ibe aliilabet is the key to lansuace.Jt is .1 ret lifting lent to II critf, al ee.11 tvili rtinoci tie deafness of ipnorancewinch is the simple railing or many whoI ave ears anil hear notOSl R WlMir.'S oie.'ct tr.igeds.\"naInire,' willi Aubrey llcardslej's pic-lurc-s,:is now presented lij V 11.Prito of JSaii Frantic o, would, two)r\" eir ngo, hac obtaimd a greatKiK\" Then the irnlisc-nt lialo of linlli.iin 1 ircled the head of the erraticI iiglishpiau and his mark pas-cd hisproducts t urrcut as enonnoiislj great. Aicrlaiu seiisatinnal bit of litigation startled the world into eogiunnts or tfce realman. and tipened its etos to Ihe iinimdeutlicenses he was taking with the siiic-Tilyatid mor.dit or literature and the dramaS dome\" now apiicals- to I In scalt lessen sof the re idt r as a mi re piece of deead, ntHiK-omc-! tinu till v ltearti-It t'-ttlniwing-tareeomp iiiumablv unreal and unnet essarv,thtuigh si iinpetl with the same (b-eoratitenn.tiinmNi t-NN that is tl merit or all hiswork, Wihle and l!e.irtlsl\"t are lioth ntingles with smccril 111 tli ir jiroduetionsWereailiheoneaiidloo!.uv n I In-other withthe suspicion I hat theiTe-itors ,,t sut li 1110:1-Mrositie-grinned in glee at their prospi elite gullible- who would affect tl light 111tlietr gancherie All -rnotis and sincerertumoisseurs arc receding frero the atllanceil poNitioti to whith tlie Wild\" motemeiit in literature ami the lleardslcj inottment in trt led them a position conspieuouslc rahculons in pro-iettite. The iiublisher of \"-alo!no\" lus, however, made anartistic little book, and Ins cuterpri-c ismore t'esi rung than his discr tion The1 raged t is .-in npoehrjphnl recital of theItiblical mt ide lit of fealuine's d,-iunud forthe I e id of -t JohnA Vl-LL. tjnidercd. thoroughly digestedjA .indre.-idally written historj of Italylias lung liecii a lt sired Hung, andV now 11 is a reabtj. Iu the courseof her iieregr-i aiious in searLli ofmbjetls for her bbort Historic ,\" Elizabeth 8 Kirklind. has come upon the peninsula of ihe iletliterraue.111. Last weekMcC'lurg. or rim ago, published her \"Shortlllslurj of Italy.\" The autlior has a tlciraudcontisesiele, barrenor.inj Lrlialatlont-ii'Ciit-,bul chaste and atlraetitc 111 theInpi't preenlallon or the historical narniiitc i?he sees tilth her own honest lights,and presents et ideuce that her research haslieen is cAtinsiteaspraetiiable. The hislorj or Italy is begun at the J ear 470 A I) ,when Odotakar, a warrio? of the Ilcrule,jear-cbl Itoinulus Augustulus. rrtMtius 10 this the historj of Italia Is theInstorv of the Itoman empire The narratite or llic present, wcrk is traced to thepreseni jear. Directness, completcntss,and polishetl grace are the salient fpialiric-a-tiuusol this valuable book.ONI! of the handsomest and most treasin.tble books or the fall is a duodecimo edition or I'rosiicr Morimee'siit.ttl. 'Carmen \" Althouglithistraglclale tt.ters but a row more than ahundred pages, it hasachictcd classic perm.inencj llizel niadcitthethemcof oneofI he grcatestor modern operas and dramaticartists baveacted it as a play. Talnc saidof It \"SIan di-sertatlonsoii our primitivehavage instincts, many knowing treatiseslike Meiiopcnbauer's on the metaphysicsof love and death, cannot hold a caudleto Ihe hundred pages of \"Carmen.\"The present edition Is nn adequatetranslation by Edmund II Garrett, published by Utile. Brown A Co. Et cry embellishment has been given the book whichcould make it a setting worthy of UieKern. Loii'se Imogen Oulrney, In an Introduction, gives an appreciable Insight Intothe charactcrof the French genius,denoting many lines ot dlstlncUou in bia' A UI,IIvl:KS\" \" the modest but mm-M au.l inter, sting titleof a book i)r last w cek which ile-1 xl tea in some lesp-ctNioLe-rankedtemperament wiitcn have hcrelorore beenlittle understood. The paper and tjpe aiclioth admirable, but especial jialns hatebeen taken with theJUustratlons. The aruall, with the csecp'tloii of a frontispiece,cnRravure or Cale. as Carmen, itthetl bythe translattjr, Mr. Garrett, and Include ri eplutes .i'id seven tlnetles. In etery detail this edition ot ,Caruien\"-is exqulfitelj artUUc.\"Iir. Collector for the present month tellsI tills lntcrcstiuj; Mory coineriilns ther \"\" first, use-of liir CM,rd I lt.le 1 nai.i pal)er,Uiesecretorii.aiiuratlurlui;wlUcli is known io\"bji uiicir pcisms: inthe jt-ar 1811 an Oxford man is mid tohate brouKhthouielrouillij rarcastaMiiallfold or extremely thin paper, which Hasiii.iliilc.-stl) more opaque mid touuti lei itscubsLinee tlinu any paptr then manufactured 111 ruiLpe. lie prestnleJ it lo theUiiitersitj Press, and it was round lo bejust sufficient ror lULUtj-fuui nne orthe sm.illest 1'ililc then In 1 Msi,.,,, e al.,.mon I \"Slim winch uere tlt,ly p luted.Till- I1.1..I. a W.ic. I. .. ln .. !.,., . r ... . .. ........ .,..u\" ....v iNnt.1 n iiiiiiiiu iue useaithickness, and althoush as much us $100apietx-veieufferedrorUiem, nocopiesuercsold. Tllej w ele1,iestnleato tbL-iiuten.ii.ilt.inous persoin. Tliu incident was, in Uie' c-ojrte or time, rtri;olleii, but iu 1674 t.i-. peniiiciits wen- aj,oin beRun. and the fol-'lovrlns jcar a libit- Has nl.iced ,11 themarket similar to the it 12 edition. The<br